Friday, August 19, 2016

Ways to Be

Way to Be 9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life

Image result for gordon b hinckley\
Gordon B. Hinckley

The Nine Ways to BE:

1. Be Grateful

This a really important way for make you happy and make you a good person because means that if you are grateful you know the significance of each thing in life, and also you should know what roll plays in your life. It is important to be grateful with all the people because anything that they make for you is important no matter what. Also need to be grateful with life just because in this moment you are here, because you have life and that is the most beautiful gift that you can have, and just for that you should be grateful and appreciate the moments all the moments that you live, no matter if are not the best, appreciate them because  you live them only one time.

Each thing, each action, each little detail that you have, needs to make you grateful,because that means that you have gratitude for things and then you will see world with the magnificence that this has.

2.Be Smart

I thinks is kind like a skill that you can implement in your whole life because you are able to recognize situations and also create them. Everyone has their own way to this this way but sometimes others are smarter to know how to solve different situations, and i don't mean only in school because something is to be intelligent and other is to be smart, because being smart can give you the chances to be intelligent and develop yourself and combining this two you can have a great way to be happy. Because in different moments of your life you will see how to react, how to be prepared, and what to do.

You can apply the way to be smart in every moment in you day, because this a way that will give you the chances to keep going and to know how to react when you must to face some struggle.

3.Be Involved in Good Works

If you are involved in activities that make something good and where you can help others is a good way to be happy. The interesting part is that you will see the results to choose this way, because everything is made of a cause and effect, so that means that if your cause was good the effect you will have will be amazing. Exist a lot of works that you can do to be involved in good works, helping someone who needed, collaborating with the community, also be kind with the nature. 

Image result for being involved in good worksWhen you help the one that is needed, maybe planting a tree, there you can see a result because in a few time this one is going to grow and be beautiful, also giving to someone a little advise, it doesn't matter how big or small is you don't know which one will be the impact.

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4.Be Clean

A way to be happey and make something good is being clean because is a way to be organized and that makes you not only have all of your things in order, also have them presentables, ready to show to someone and be able to keep everything in the same order. if you are clean you are avble to do not keep the bad things because you know that all of those things that are useless must go to the trash. and the most important thing is that you can show to the people what is you attitude because if you are always being clean others can see that and they will know that you are trustworthy.
Image result for to be clean quotesImage result for clean useless thoughts
The way in that you apply this is mantining clean your bedroom, help in the house when is necceaary, do not keep trash. and in your mind do not keep all of those bad thoughts that are useless.

5. Be True
Image result for BE TRUEI think this is a very important way, because this can define who you are, this means how much the people can trust in you. You can decide what is good not only for you, also for people who is around you. Taking the good way gives you the oppportunity to be in peace with yourself. Although you just have to think that this is not a big effort, because you are only saying and doing what it is.
Image result for BE YOURSELFTo apply this way there are not hard obstacles because the only thing that you must do is be yourself, autentic, and do not to nobody.

6.Be Positive

This way is really important because is what makes you keep going in life, what gives you the chance to think that not everything is lost, because nothing is impossible. We should find the next opportunity.
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For be Positive you need to see the real things in life and what is happening, but being concious that  there is always more chances to gget new opportunities. Having attitude and be stable, because not always is going to be right or to be bad.
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7.Be Humble

Being humble is when people focus their energy in others before in theirselves. is that do not have in mind to hurt others or to make anything that will hurt them. Having the interest in help the world and contribute without obtain nothing in exchange. Something important is that a humble person knows perfectly his/her weaknesses or strengths and is able to know the limits and when do something or not.

Image result for be humble actionsA way to be humble is when you recognize that you made a mistake, aldo when you are able to let others do things that will help everyone, without having ego, because this is the principal way to do the opposite.

Image result for how to be still8. Be Still
Being still means to do not act without think and stay quiet when is neccesary. Have perseverance and keep going. Do not let that external factors affect you. You can learn to relax when not all is going good. Having peace in your body.
Image result for how to be still To be still you can listrn people. Relax when the situations are not really good, but having in mind that everything is going to change. A good result of this is that you will get goog things for you in all the senses.

9.Be Prayerful
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Reflection:All of this ways help people to be happy,choosing the right things. and these are ways that make easier your life,because you are doing actions that are the corrects. When you do al of these ways wich are: be grateful, be smart, be involved in good works, be clean, be true, be positive, be humble,  be still, be prayerful, you do not need to worry about something bad will happen just because you are doing what it is, and how suposse you must to react. you should know that is essential think before to ac. Also recognize when you made a mistake, and let other have their own success. Something really important is to learn to say thanks to everything in life, so people will recognize hat you are a person who appreciate good things and do not act bad when something is not going good.

"There they are, nine Be's which of observed, will bring hyandsome dividends to any young man or woman. they will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. They will save ou from heartache and pain.
They will bring purpose into your life and give direction to your energies.
They will bring you friends of your own kind. They will protect you from assosiations that would pull you down and deflect you from your course. This is a time to be happy. This a time to feel joy and make friends and enjoy tyhe best this life has to offer. What I have tried to put forth... are simply a few sugestions, gained from many years of living, to help you do just that. The world will tell that the certain kinds of things will bring you happiness- things such as popularity and possessions and satisfying  your baser desires.
If toda you find yourself only driftting as a leaf in a stream, get hold of yourself and determine you will do better. At railroad grade crossing, signs of warning were once common. Two cross aerns were emblazoned with the words, "Stop, Look, Listen." They menat that a train could be roaring down the tracks and you had better be alert.

I awas riding a train in the Midwest yaers ago. I looked out in the window to my left. A road ran paralle; to the tracks. Acar with a boy and a girl was seepding down the road a little faster than the train. The car moved ahead until I can no loger see it. Suddenly, the locomotive whistle sounded and the train screehed to a hait as the brakes gripped te wheels We looked out the window on to the other side. There was a mangled car. Police cars soon converged, followed by the ambulance. The boy and girl were both dead. The road they were traveling crossed the tracks. They did not stop, look, or listen. It all happen in an instat.

The better way to Be is the way of these nine Be's.

The years will inevitable pass, and pass quickly. Today is your day of resolution. Promise yourself to make something goood of (your) precious life."
Image result for gordon b hinckley      Gordon B. Hinckley

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