Keck School of Medicine of USC
LOCATION:1031 West 34th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90089-3261
Acceptance Chances
Can I get into USC? These admission statistics provide an indication how difficult it is to get in and what your chances are. 9,358 out of 51,920 applicants or 18% were admitted making USC a very competitive school to get into with a low chance of acceptance for qualifying applicants. Academically, it has exceptionally high requirements for admission test scores. University of Southern California typically accepts and attracts A- average high school students. Only 33% of those admitted chose to enroll in the school.
Women | Men | Total | |
Applied | 27,209 | 24,711 | 51,920 |
AccepteD | 5,074 | 4,284 | 9,358 |
Acceptance Rate | 19% | 17% | 18% |
Enrolled | 1,644 | 1,454 | 3,098 |
Percent of Admitted Who Enrolled (Admission Yield) | 32% | 34% | 33% |
Scores you need to get in
What are the SAT and ACT requirements for students to be admitted to University of Southern California and what score do you need to get in? The tables below describe the SAT and ACT test score percentile profile of the Fall 2015 starting class.
ACT Requirements
Admission data indicates that USC regularly accepts students with ACTs of 29 and above. We estimate the school accepting minimim ACT composite scores around 27 in some instances. Prospective students submitting an ACT composite of 31 or higher should be in the upper half of appliants - and students with a 33 and above have very competitive chances. 45 percent of applicants submit ACT scores to University of Southern California.
SAT Requirements (New SAT)
Reporting indicates the school consistently takes SAT composite scores down to 1360 on a 1600 scale, below which admission should be considered a reach. We estimate some students could be accepted with SAT's as low as 1280. The estimated average SAT composite for admitted freshman is 1440 out of 1600. A competitive SAT score is critical as 74 percent of applicants submit SAT scores to the school. Note: SAT scores presented on this page have been adjusted upwards per the College Board's concordance tables for test takers after March 2016.
25th Percentile Score | 75th Percentile Score | |
SAT Composite | 1360 | 1520 |
SAT Reading | 680 | 750 |
SAT Math | 690 | 780 |
ACT Composite | 29 | 33 |
ACT English | 30 | 34 |
Cost Breakdown
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